Long term courses

Develop your language skills in both spoken and written French through long-stay immersion programs in the French language and culture. Intensive programs of 20 or 30 lessons per week in the heart of Paris!

These courses will give you the necessary tools to better understand a possible entry into university or a French higher school.

Long term

20 or 30 lessons per week :
Intensive French programs for rapid progress in 2024!

Our General French programs are built around a basic program of 20 lessons, to acquire the fundamentals of the French language and to work on the 4 essential skills (oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression).
These programs are flexible so that everyone can personalize their course by adding 5 workshops (10 lessons).
Our long-term courses are available for all levels and fit in with our methodical progress process over 1 to 4 terms periods.

You will develop your language skills in both oral and written French via long-stay immersion in both French language and culture.

You can also enhance your program by adding linguistic reinforcement or cultural discovery modules in order to familiarize yourself with the French workplace environment, prepare for French exams or for French higher education.


The standard 20-lesson program is made of:
20 lessons of General French classes at school

For the super-intensive 30-lesson program, we add:
– 10 lessons of themed workshops at school

Minimum duration recommended by Les ateliers FL for each level

The workshops - 10 lessons / week

These workshops allow you to progress faster, to improve your language skills and to enrich your knowledge of French culture.

They can relate to linguistic elements such as oral, written or phonetics and grammar, but also, for more advanced levels, more cultural themes such as current events or traditions and civilization. Other workshops also offer preparation for DELF / DALF exams, ideal for students wishing, for example, to enter French universities or have their level of French certified for professional or personal reasons.

The extras of the program in 2024

In addition, we offer you:

  • a personal access to your FLOnline platform
    • as soon as you register
    • 12 weeks after your departure
  • personalized support

You may be required to buy pedagogical material (books). Prices vary according to your level.

program available
in this school

For any question, feel free to contact us!

Prices 2024

Dates of the terms :
From 08/01/2024 to 29/03/2024
From 08/04/2024 to 28/06/2024
From 01/07/2024 to 20/09/2024
From 30/09/2024 to 20/12/2024

Registration fee80 €
 1 term2 terms3 terms4 terms
20 lessons2 095 €3 985 €5 565 €6 930 €
30 lessons2 900 €4 670 €6 186 €7 480 €

Our support team

Our teaching teams are available for you.

Their goal? Support students throughout their FL experience.

Lessons and activities are available on your FLOnline platform, enjoy the full experience of our Virtual School and E-meet the FLAlumni network.

  • General French classes: work on and perfect the 4 language skills in accordance with the CEFR framework.
  • Classroom beyond the walls: practice the skills learned in class outside the walls.
  • Mentoring sessions: with the help of your teacher, work on your weaknesses to make them your strength.
  • Student Welfare Managers : Available to you throughout your experience to meet your needs and ensure your goals are met.

Les ateliers FL selling points

  1. International group of 18 students in classes offering a friendly atmosphere and closer contact with other students and teachers
  2. Courses open to all levels and a learning pace adapted to your needs
  3. End of session certificate issued by Les ateliers FL mentioning the number of hours of lessons followed and the level reached
  4. Qualified, experienced teachers with university degrees and trained in teaching French as a foreign language.
  5. An access to our virtual school based on Microsoft 365 (Office, Teams, OneNote, Stream). Adapted to the new reality and technologies, our teaching method includes teaching lessons, specialized workshops, virtual meetings and visits.
  6. General French courses where you will work on all aspects of the French language: oral French, written French, communication in French, French vocabulary, French grammar, French culture

What our students think
of the program

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Last page update : 19/07/2024